Fashion's bad side and (very very)good side

Good morning and happy Friday. So glad it's the weekend and looking forward to some movie time, husband time, and puppy time. Oh and girl's night tonight. That too.

So yesterday's fashion atrocity that was the release of Balmain's collaboration with H&M really exposed us to the ugly side of fashion. Why anyone would stampede and run like the wind for a tacky dress is beyond me. Are we really this desperate to look like the Kardashians and Gigi Hadid? Tacky. Vulgar. Finished.

But like all situations, there is always a yin and yang. And in this case, the beautiful side of fashion was shining bright as I peeked through my November Vogue, which incidentally featured a very awkward story on Saint Angelina Jolie, playing a very sad game of ring around the rosy with her brood. Odd.

But here's what- the story featuring Karlie Kloss and shot by Mikael Jansson is so bloody beautiful. I am obsessed with it and it brings me back in the best of ways to 90s Evangelista, when that bob completely killed it and every girl wanted it. As I grow out my hair, I wouldn't mind going back there either. Fabulous fabulous fabulous. Karlie killed it with full Linda love, and that Dylan Brosnan is gorgeous too, as is his fabulous hair. Check out this very obvious homage to 90s LInda and worship at it. THAT HAIR IS EVERYTHING. Balmain H&M who again?

And that's what's up this Linda inspired 90s moment of a Friday in the 212. Yours, in keeping the dream alive with a half full glass of fabulous fashion. Classic always wins.  XO