Fashion on ze brain

Happy Thursday, y'all. Nice day here in the MIA. My head is agog with
thoughts of my upcoming trip...Paris has been a lifelong dream and can't
believe I am finally going there, with the love of my life, to boot. Feeling

Of course, along with love and happiness, my mind goes straight to fashion
when thinking of Paris. This story shot by Tommy Ton (he of amazing street
fashion photo fame) for Vogue Nippon sums it up for me. In my dreams, I
would rock some of these looks- love this editorial and how it perfectly
captures my visual fantasy of what dressing in Paris should be. Love.
(Particularly enamored of that first shot. Parfait).

So let the countdown to pain au chocolat, the flea markets, and beautiful
old buildings begin (and extreme fashion bien sur). Can't wait. And that's
what's up this Frenchy Thursday in the MIA. XO