Duran Duran

Hi, Wednesday...chilly chilly but sunny sunny so all is not lost.

I have to dash quickly so here goes: there was no 80s without Duran Duran.
Full stop. I was head over heels in love with them, to put it mildly. I
adored their style, their raw sexuality/androgyny which I did not fully
understand, and their music and videos were way ahead of their time. Their
videos were so cool, so high concept, and introduced me to Sri Lanka for the
first time, a place that still holds mystique and appeal to the modern
version of moi. They were sooooo styley. Love.

Just look at these boys. How crazy cool were they? Poppy as fuck? Yes.
Awesome as hell? Most definitely. I light my torch and wave it to them
today. Loving me some Duran Duran- brings me back, people. They were about
as mainstream as I got (maybe early Wham too when they were Wham UK) but I
would have taken a bullet for John or Simon back in those days (probably not
Roger or Andy, though. On the fence about Nick...)

Now I must jet. Put on Some Duran Duran today (aptly named after a character
in Barbarella, which makes them even cooler). You know you love them. I'm
outing you and giving you permission.

Cause that's what's up this new moon on Wednesday in the MIA. XO