Good afternoon, Friday. I was just sitting here thinking about the majority of the world on lockdown. Unprecedented. Unbearable on so many levels. But if I can be an optimist for a moment, I hope this leads to a new consciousness and awareness. That somehow by being apart we can be stronger together. I sure hope so.
So thought I'd share an email that felt like more of a letter to a good pal who was reporting from her home, and then I sent back this dispatch from mine. Here's how I'm doing, and I'd love to hear from all of you on how you're doing:
In terms of coping, I'm the most wonderful combo of Cancerian/Gen X/Closeted Misanthrope/Homebody/Introvert so this has not been so terrible for me. Today I streamed a workout of a class I was too intimidated to do in person, and was shocked to find I could hang through most of it. I do worry that I am eating the majority of my feelings. I have discovered paleo granola and oat milk yogurt. I know, sounds divine right?
David and I are co-mingling nicely- he is in the living room aka Conference Room A while I work from bed and worry about bedsores in Conference Room B. Today I showered and put on a bra. I enjoyed a bit of body lotion, but makeup not happening. Oh and perfume. Always perfume. Now more than ever. Smelling good is feeling good.
Khan is non-plussed and being his side sleeping, baguette-like self (mmm. carbs). Currently I can feel his warmth on my leg and all is well in the world.
I notice my mood changes with the weather. I generally feel better when the sun's out because it feels less like the apocalypse. I have also taken to wearing only black muscle shirts and black pants. That's my vibe of late. I am trying not to wash my hair much so as to preserve the color so needless to say- I look fucking HOT.
I'm working like a dervish but the hustler in me is quite pleased that I can. Grateful beyond belief. It's all good. Sometimes I forget to take my ear buds out, even when I'm not on a call. It's a good look.
In terms of evenings, I collapse and can't seem to focus on TV or anything else. I look forward to sleeping and that's about it.
I hope this doesn't last forever. I have dresses to wear. I also ordered a true red Chanel lipstick just because. It felt right to put a lip on. I thought it might go well with dirty hair.
Well, that's about that. TGIF. Toasting you with a virtual Negroni. Stay safe and well, my kittens. Let's report back and forth. Cause that's what's up in Corona City. Yours, in locking it down. How's by you? Show me your Corona. XO