Dear Anna Wintour,

Hiya, Tuesday. I'm getting my hair did today- roots need some love as do highlights so looking forward to a little refreshing, as is my wont.

Anyway, I'm thinking of penning a little note to Anna Wintour, because I've sort of had it with the celebrity Vogue covers haven't you? Just admit it, you long for the days of long limbed genetic impossibilities known as models gracing the cover of this time honored Conde Nast magazine. Case in point- Rihanna on the cover. Rihanna is a beautiful woman, but really? On Vogue? With that HAIR? And you couldn't find a better dress of all the dresses in the universe of dresses that you have access to? I'm vexed.

I'm just saying- can we please bring back the models on the cover so us true fashion girls can rejoice? Give me a Joan Smalls, hit me with a Carmen Kass, hook me up with an Arizona Muse for goodness sake's. I'm just desperate for a cover that does not stink of celebrity. I'm just a little sick of it- Vogue is a bastion of all things fashion, not US Weekly. So if I were to take out my Mrs. Strong stationary and take my scented lavender pen to paper, the above would be part of the big story I would tell. Bring back the models, Anna. It's time.I give you the photo below as proof that there is still magic to be had from models- that's why they get paid the big bucks.

Cause that's what's up this modely Tuesday in the MIA. Much love, model lovers. XO