Confidence: The Ultimate Accessory

Hi, Wednesday. I don't mind telling you, dear hump day, that I am completely fucking knackered. Absolutely exhausted from the early morning workouts and the actual workload when the day begins. It's cool though. I'm not miffed at you. I just need some sleep.

As I sit here writing, with another birthday a few days away (how did that happen?), I'm trying not to wax rhapsodic on getting older. But I have been noticing an awful lot of my beautiful young female friends (young being 30 and under) feeling less than secure with who they are, where they are, and who they're hanging out with, or not hanging out with. Having been that girl for many years, I can only say to you that although age inevitably fucks up some of your mojo, the best thing to come from it is confidence. As a woman, having confidence is half the battle. It's speaking your mind, expressing yourself, and knowing what you want. If you have this when you're 23, you're probably mistaking it for something else. I'm not sure it's possible to be super confident at that point in life, nor should you be. it comes off as some sort of postured bravado or arrogance.

When you reach the age when you start reaching for the expensive eye cream, you are allowed to be openly and unabashadly confident. In fact, it's probably the sexiest thing you'll ever put out there- and it feels good to know yourself, and know that even though you have a bad day, the world, cubicle, or some other tempest is not going to gobble you up. I think real confidence comes from real trust- trust in self, trust in the universe, and trust that you are fine just as you are, and if people don't like it, so? Simply walk away from those people, or find a way to go over and above them to be cool with who you are. It's really that easy. Or just give them the finger in your mind. That works too when all else fails.

One of the hardest lessons I've learned from all these years in office life is to try (I don't always win this one) not to take things personally. If your boss yells at you, it's not necessarily cool, but it's not personal, at least not most of the time. Let it roll off- because when you start reaching the higher elevations of age, you're going to take all of those experiences, box them up, and never think of them again. You don't need to keep those things around- it's really more about who you are now, regardless of your cranky boss. Now I can't account for when people are stupid. I'm still working on suffering that a wee bit ain't easy. I'ma  work in progress too, you know. With a bad poker face to boot.

My point with all of this? Confidence is earned, and as the little hokey saying says in the photo I've posted, it's your best accessory, so wear it with pride. You've worked hard to wear that, and the investment of all of the years of insecurity, worrying what others think of you, and general bullshit and malaise were worth it. I'm happy to be who I am today- I'm not always happy with everything, believe me. Just know that it does get better, it always does, or it doesn't. But either way, you've got one body, one heart, and one soul, so you better learn to love it. And you will, fancy eye creams with caviar enrichment or not. I'm not trading mine in any time soon (the confidence, not the eye cream), and looking forward to accessorizing, with confidence, this year and the years to come. I've come to realize that I always find a way to figure out what I need to know, and so too will you. (I'm still trying to figure out how to avoid getting annoyed with ignorance. I'll get back to you on that next birthday).

Oh, and here's a shot of Twiggy. That's how confidence feels- it's quite freeing and fabulous and a tremendous relief. Something to look forward to, non? And that's what's up this somewhat new agey but not really Thursday in the MIA. Much love to all my young gal pals who are finding their way. It's all going to be ok, I promise. XO