Checking out for a few while I fight the good fight

Hi,'s Friday and cloudy in NYC and I've got a cold so wah wah wah. Thank G-d for that bit of Basil Hayden's at the end of the shoot. Did me right.

I'm going to take a bit of a blog break soon so that I may retool, rethink, and recalibrate for 2013. I'm excited to keep writing and will most likely keep this page going for the next few weeks- wordpress not really my thing so exploring some other options. I hope to bring you a new, fresh format soon as writing this blog has become a deep joy for me- hope you are feeling the same farklemptitude for it as well.

In other news, women are going to the front lines, yo. I heard a great debate over it yesterday as I prepared for my very own battle- rush hour commuting in New York in the freezing cold to the war zone of modern advertising. Yea, I know. Can't really compare those, but was trying my best to pull this whole thought together. I gotta say- women should be allowed to fight and die for their countries, though some of the men in our armed forces were worried that they may feel the need to defend the women on the front lines first before their band of brothers. I'm not sure what's wrong with that- women should always come first, right? Ha. How's that for some reverse feminist switcharoo? Honestly, the gays are getting married, women are firing at enemies, we just elected our first African American Prezzie to a second term- the world is constantly changing and updating and tweeting and we have to change right along with it if we don't wish to be extinct. And from the looks of things in North Korea, we're going to need all the help we can get, vagina or no vagina.

I have a feeling that the women who go to the front lines will exhibit a level of bad assery reserved only for the heartiest of situations. We all know women will get the job done, and make sure everyone is taken care of and well protected to (steel toed) boot. Look how far we've come ladies and gents- from the days of Private Benjamin to now. I myself fall more in to the Goldie Hawn school of armed forces practices, but if there are some of you out there that are tough enough, strong enough, and hoorah enough, go do this.  Now there is nobody standing in the way, and whether you're leaving a wife or husband or whatever else at home, we will salute you. That's how good this shit is about to get. It's about to get all kinds of GI Jane up in here.

And as I go to war with my blog format and design, I'm not going to break down and have a Judy Benjamin moment. I'm going to fight and make it great, perfect, and maven worthy for all you fine people. Just don't ask me to do a chin up or march in unison. That's not my trip. 

Cause that's what's up this forward march kind of Friday in the 212. Ten-Hut! XO