Good (almost) afternoon, Tuesday. I slept a full 8 hours last night, an unheard of feat for this girl who can never seem to get enough sleep. I generally wake up in the middle of the night, sleepless and ready to jump online or watch a horrible late night talk show. Last night's sleep has me revived. And with that, I bring you some looks I love for the Fall.
LIke many of you, I look at Winter with a cautious eye- I love the cords, boots, leather jackets, scarves, and hot beverages. I do, however, hate feeling too contsticted by layers upon layers, especially if you live in New York City, where a dinner date could lead to hot flashes if you're not dressed appropriately. The heat is cranked up to Icarian levels and one feels they may be dining too close to the sun. For that reason, girls in cold climates need a contingency plan, and that plan is best dressed by sleeveless dresses and tights.
I am a huge fan of this look- it allows your skin to breathe, the tights keep you warm, and the legginess is a way to feel sexy when it's oompah loompah puffy coat season. Paired with a simple blazer or cardigan or thin denim jacket you can layer under your coat, it's a great look that still maintains the freshness of Spring but moves right into Fall and Winter. Paired with booties or sky high heels or even high tops or ballet flats, you can go with a print, a solid in a good fabric like ponte, or any variety of color or material or print. I'm a huge fan. I like sleeveless all year round- it's chic to show some skin even when it's cold outside. These looks are from Free People, a go to source for boho girlsthat want comfy and cool looks for all seasons. If sleeveless is not your thing, try some of these looks below- a great way to work your Spring/Summer dresses and give them a go all year round. Think all the gals below are looking super cutes. I would love to see these looks paired with a fake fur vest or coat and a big floppy hat to keep the summer of love vibe alive, even in the dead of winter. And if furriness is not your trip, try a fitted leather jacket to give the look a rock and roll vibe.
In any event, while you're compiling your "must have" list for Fall and Winter- make sure your list includes numerous hues of tights and a deep dive into the back of your close for some printed or shortish frocks from last season's warmth that can help you look very cool. And that's all I've got this dresses are the bestest kind of Tuesday in the 212. XO