Being True to YOU

Good morning first work day of 2011. I made it through 2010 in one piece and
am ready, and grateful, for the new year. Had some lovely time off with
family, friends, and one sweet little pup. And I've also discovered the Bar
Method, possibly the most genius exercise program of all time. But that's
all for another time, because today I want to talk about why I hate
resolutions and am "resoluting" to never make one again.

I don't like resolutions because they imply we need to change ourselves in
some way, that we're not good the way we are. Yes, we need to make positive
changes but be honest- those resolutions never work out, because we are
always disappointed when we can't make good on them. Instead, we should be
looking at who we want to be through the lens of a manifesto, our own
personal manifesto for what we stand for in this here life. (Bear with me,
I'm getting there...)

With all the time off, I've been reading with a wolf's appetite, researching
(with some shopping, natch) and pondering and researching again. One day's
search for workout pants that didn't ride up yielded a real gift. While
tripping over Lululemon's brand manifesto on their site, I realized these
types of brand manifestos (Product Red has a pretty cool one too) can apply
to our personal lives too. We need to clearly define our core values, our
beliefs, and shout from the rooftops on who we are to the world, with
unrivaled commitment to those values. (No I'm not a communist. I'm well
aware Marx did this to great aplomb. And by now you jaded marketing types
are rolling your eyes with all of this 'brand me' talk. But this is potent
stuff. Read on, haters).

I came to the astute realization that I don't need to change a damn thing
about myself, because if I have a strong sense of who I am and what I am
passionate about, I can't lose. For instance, if I know I am strong minded,
ambitious and creative, the changes will inevitably come. Because by the
way, change is completely part of the picture, whether we like it or not. So
we don't have to push as hard to make it so- just believe in yourself and
hold those amazing passions and values close to you- memorize them and don't
let them go. Once you have those traits on perpetual speed dial, there's no
way you won't be able to conquer those things you want to change. You don't
need to make resolutions, just stay true to who you are and that stuff will
(the last 10 pounds, spending more time with your family, quitting smoking)
magically transpire. Because it's not about the promises we make- it's about
being a strong person with an unflappable and unstoppable understanding of
who we are and what we need to exist.

So as I'm perched on this here precipice called 2011, I'm going to remember
what makes me tick, what I'm passionate about, what I believe in, and what I
would take a bullet for, if need be. This year is all about recognizing and
celebrating who I am, and not thinking about what I'm not. Because just like
brands, we can't change until we fully know who we are, Marxist, Nihilist,
Darwinist, or Dionysian. Hold fast to those beliefs and know thyself. I am
getting in touch with mine as we speak...

That's all I've got for this am, kiddies. I hope you are having a great year
so far, embracing who you are and the amazing traits you have to share with
the world, regardless of whether you eat carbs or not. Just be true. To you.
The rest is cake.

Cause that's what's up this new era of a Monday in the MIA in 2011. XO

Here is a link to Lululemon's manifesto. I quite like it: