Turn off the news, and call me maybe.

Hiya, Friday. Had the chance to catch up with an old friend last night and it's truly amazing to me how easy it is to take up where you left off. Something to be said for that. Not sure what but it's a powerful thing. I feel very lucky to have such lasting connections in my life.

And on that note, I'm vibing very heavily into a frequency that is less than pleasant, but equally powerful. I've heard from a lot of my friends of late that they're hurting, and feeling alone and a little lost as the new year takes hold. This is certainly not uncommon for January, but it feels really heavy right now. As an empathetic person, I can't help but want to wrap my arms around everyone who needs a hug or a hand or a chat right now- I feel these things so deeply. And if you're in that boat, please reach out. I'm here to listen. Life is really tough right now. This government shutdown is hurting a lot of our own citizens deeply, and damn if that does not have an effect on every single one of us in some way. And if it's not upsetting you, regardless of what side you're on, I don't know what to say. It's just awful in every damn way.

I really think we need to help each other as much as we can right now. This is not all woo woo at all. But this whole every person for themselves model does not seem to bi working. I challenge you to find someone or something you can devote yourself to this weekend. Whether it's protesting or simply calling someone you know would love to hear from you or adopting an animal in need. Just do something. I believe that if we all stand together and do compassionate things, maybe we can tip the scales and change the frequency. Enough is enough. And for those feeling strong, self care this weekend could mean caring for someone else who needs it. Doing good things is a wonderful way to take care of yourself. When I was working on a project some time ago for Dress for Success, I realized the incredible potency of sharing stories that are hard and painful to tell, and the grace of hearing those stories and feeling compassion for people you know very little. And how asking for help and realizing they needed help was putting something very good into the world- because on the other end are people who are willing to lend a hand and bring some good into the world.

And don't worry if you're feeling down or lonely or a bit desperate right now. These are beyond trying times. But just know that asking for a hand or help when you need it is never a bad thing. I know it's hard. When I'm down I completely close up and don't want anyone near me. That's the Cancerian in me- I head straight for my little crab shell.  But we need more push/pull happening and the idea of asking for help and getting help may just help tilt that axis to something a little more pleasant in the future. Oh and turn off the news. Just turn it off. I decided to listen to "Exile on Main Street" this morning instead of watching CNN. I can't.  And you shouldn't either. It's just too much. My pal in the local UPS store in my neighborhood (no doorman at my casa so I see him a lot) says it's better to give yourself an hour and listen to the BBC News Hour and then be done with it. I'd have to agree- they're far less prone to dramatics than our media folk.

Cause that's what's up this help is available kind of Friday in the 718. Yours, in reaching out and turning off the news. And keep going. XO