Tried and true vs. shiny and new?

Good morning, Thursday. I'm done with this Summer. Officially. It's so damn hot it's like living in a constant hot flash. Make it stop. DONE.

So last night the hubs and I had dinner at an old favorite in Soho, Blue Ribbon Sushi. It's always been great there, and it's still great. The sushi is inventive and the service is fantastic and they always play amazing music- everything from Coltrane to the Stones and back again, and it was on and packed in there with people waiting to be seated. Oh and we had a good celebrity sighting- Sofia Coppola with the French husband and two kids. They were quiet. But Sofia. OMG. I'm not worthy.

So after a classic yet spendy meal (strangely love very indulgent meals at unexpected times- like random nights during the week), I started thinking about tried and true vs. shiny and new.

We are living in decidedly shiny and new times. Instagram exposes us to everything we think we want, need, desire. There's the latest shoe, the latest necklace, the latest lipstick. There's the hottest destination and the hottest new workout. We've been trained of late to only want the "new new".  I myself am guilty to an extent- I want a new wardrobe every season and am not the type to resole an old pair of shoes. Guilty of Instanew as charged.

But when it comes to my true passions, I love the tried and true. Perhaps it's my age, but I am loving classics of late. 

I am a bit of a classic girl after all. I love old buildings, classic restaurants, and heritage brands. I tend to try a bunch of new things but often return to my favorite things. I have a great deal of deference to places like Blue Ribbon Sushi, who can stay in the very competitive restaurant game for as long as they have and turn out consistently wonderful food and atmosphere. I admire perfect cashmere sweaters that hold their weight after seasons of wear. I love classic rock and listening to "Exile on Main Street" will never grow old. There's great comfort in the patina of iconic places, faces, experiences. I'm grateful that proven things are still very good things. First and best vibes all the way.

And although I love shiny, new objects like everyone else, I love my classics. Particularly in New York. They are places like Odeon, breakfast at Balthazar, Indochine, and of course, Blue Ribbon. They are hotels like the Mark and the Carlyle. They are drugstores like Clyde's and Zitomer. They are Upper East Side and strangely, Tribeca and Soho. They are Joe's Pizza. And Ben's Pizza. And the Grand Central Oyster Bar. And they are still somewhat around in my beloved Brooklyn- when those old Italians leave Carroll Gardens for good, I might have to as well.

And as I've said time and again- I'm not a nostalgic type. I just appreciate a classic martini in a classic place. I'm lucky to live in a city that, although changing, still appreciates good being good and great being great, regardless of age or shine off the rose. And yes, I'll go with you to a new hot boite or restaurant or pop up, but I have to have my old standbys.  I'm not always such a fan of new and improved. I may be a girl who chases trends, but with the world moving at warp speed, there's great comfort in places and faces and things that are guaranteed to hit the mark every time. Like the above mentioned martini, served absolutely perfectly at the bar at Balthazar. I crave those. 

Cause that's what's up this don't go changing kind of Thursday in the 212. Yours, in living a life of heritage, respect, and great sushi. XO