Best of times, worst of times, or just time?

Good morning, Friday. It's been a week- lots of ups and downs but I can't thank you all enough if you reached out to me after the last post- your support means the absolute world.

It's hard to think about but these are treacherous times, particularly in the business I grew up in, advertising. I'm not sure there's more security in full time work in that arena than there is in freelance life. It feels unhinged, and since advertising is often a barometer for the times in which we live (at its best), I suppose it makes pitch perfect sense- I watch the news with shock every single day. What happened yesterday with Trump's tweets are so beyond anything I have ever associated with an American President, or moreover, a leader of any kind.

I can't help but wonder what would happen if this was the corporate world- would he not be fired by now for all of his disgusting and distasteful attacks? How is this allowed to go on?

Everything feels unsteady, wheels well on their way to calling off. I'm afraid we're headed for significant blowout. 

As for me, I'm putting myself on a bit of notice. I need to figure out how to sustain my passion for writing but I also need to make a living. I'm worried that Trump is somehow making it acceptable to be a complete asshole. And if there is such a thing as a trickle down situation, I'm more than worried about how all of this plays into business practices. We all have to be better than this. I have to be better than this. And so do you. It's time for a change. Remarkable to me that this country elected Trump because apparently we wanted change. So much has been written about the power of change, but how about when it doesn't feel so hot? Maybe change is not always good?  Or maybe bad changes somehow make us better in the long run? That's a bit of American optimism right there. 

My point of this little rant is that the amount of change happening is unfathomable- leaps and bounds bigger than it's ever been- positively seismic. I need to find my place within it, but right now I'm fidget spinning my way into the Summer and would like very much to find friends and coworkers and inspiration in the good that I know is still out there, somewhere.

I guess what I'm saying is that I feel everything is connected, and I'm trying to navigate some very tricky waters right now, personally and professionally. Some of you may not be feeling any of this, and some of you may be feeling it in spades. Regardless, how will we get through all of this deep uncertainty? For me, I'm going to do everything I can to get ahead of what I see as an inevitability- I'm being forced to question everything of late and I'm still in an inquisitive mood, though I hope the answers come soon. I hate to feel unsettled and uncertain but if you too are going through a big transition, maybe we all need to revel in the unknown and not fear it. I told somebody that very recently, and I suppose I need to take my own advice.

So in such weird times, I'm holding on tight and trying to fasten my seatbelt slightly tired. I have a feeling it's going to be a bit of a bumpy ride, but I'm hopeful I'll get there. I'm very much a "right now" kind of girl, so this feeling of in between is not ideal for me.

Cause that's what's up this having a little faith kind of Friday in the 718. Yours, in keeping it together, or trying to. By the way, I'm open to suggestions. Feel free to reach out if you too are trying to weather the storm or have come out the other end- better, stronger, and whatever else. XO